RC Parken

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How much does it cost

recommended prices


Nothing is for free forever. We try to make it as cheep as possible. We are constantly looking for donations and sponsorships. The prices mentioned below are therefore only for the time being

trialtrip: free of charge

1. time registration fee: free of charge

annual member fee: 720,00 kr (97.00 €)

there is a discount for family members, juniors* and non active members

*you are a junior if you are younger than 18 years

It is also possible to rent RC Parken for a short or a long period as you like. Pls. contact the board of RC Parken:

The board

If you want to become a member of one of the special branches (airplane, car or boat) pls. contact them here:

Special branches

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Copyright © 2008 RC Parken. Please respect the work we put into this.